What is involved?
Assessments include an initial information gathering session with parents to determine the nature of the learning difficulties and any other psychological/ developmental issues that may be impacting on the child’s progress. Additionally, verbal feedback will be given after testing has concluded and then a written report will be provided about a week after testing. Phone and email follow-up with teachers, if requested, is also included.
How long will it take?
A basic IQ assessment can take between one hour and 90 minutes to complete. A comprehensive intellectual and educational assessment however, can take up to four hours, but this depends on the age of the child and how they cope with the process. Testing can be a fatiguing process for young people, and so it is recommended that if a combined intellectual and education assessment is required, it be conducted on two or three separate days. A comprehensive assessment will be individually tailored to investigate the causes of your child’s particular learning difficulties.
What will it cost?
Please refer to the fees page
For further information, refer to my post “What is a cognitive assessment”.